Proudly Based in California.

Hello and Welcome to Clark’s Desert Boot Laces!
”We have all heard about the Jack of all trades and the master of none,” so I hope you will forgive me for this site, because we are not jacks of all trades, we do one thing and do it brilliantly and that one thing is replicating shoelaces for various luxury brands. Over the past 10 years as the CEO of, we developed some of the best replacement laces and were often the recommendation from the manufacturers themselves. Taking that knowledge and commitment to shoelaces and reopened a new brand, this time with my young children.

I would like to thank you for your business and trying our laces. If you have a problem, please contact us through the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We ship everything 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so you are never a further than a few days from getting your laces. Thank you again for your business and I look forward to serving your needs into the future.